STEM Learning is a GPPSD Program of Choice offering Kindergarten to Grade 8 students an opportunity to develop a passion in the areas of "Science, Technology, Engineering and Math."
Students will investigate and explore innovative and creative solutions to real world problems. Connecting with experts, collaborating with community partners, and integrating Indigenous perspectives will enhance opportunities for students to engage with the world around them and prepare for future careers.
How to Apply
New Families to GPPSD can apply for your child to attend STEM Learning by clicking 'Register & Apply.' Follow these instructions:
- New users create a SchoolEngage account and log in. Help article.
- Select 'Add Student'
- Select 'Student'
- Select the student name from your student list you wish to complete the form for
- Complete the 'New Student Registration Form' for the correct school year
- On page 2 under the heading Programs of Choice, and click the 'I would like to apply to have my child attend the STEM Learning Program'
- Select the school you would like to attend for STEM Learning
- Complete and submit the form

- Integrating STEM education across curriculums
- Enhancing classroom experiences with field studies
- Preparing students to be engaged and responsible members of the community
- Integrating Indigenous perspectives
- Connecting with experts
- Collaborating with community partners
- Providing exposure to and awareness of STEM oriented careers

Students who excel in STEM Learning typically have the following interests and strengths:
- Show an interest in science, the natural world, and how the world works
- Will develop inquiry skills through student-directed exploration and investigation
- Participate in a collaborative learning environment
- Engage in problem solving and critical thinking
- Make practical connections between their studies and the real world
If you are unsure if STEM Learning is right for your child, please contact a GPPSD STEM school directly.
STEM Learning is offered as a Program of Choice for Kindergarten to Grade 8 students at:
- Crystal Park School,
- Derek Taylor Public School and
- Hillside Community School.
STEM Learning is integrated into classrooms during the regular school day. The whole school participates in activities, field experiences and projects throughout the year. Grade 7 and 8 students also have opportunities to participate in STEM focused option courses. If your neighbourhood boundary school does not offer a Program of Choice, parents may apply to be enrolled full time at one of the designated Program of Choice schools, students can only be enrolled in one school in the Division.
There are no Program of Choices fees for this new opportunity; however. there may be STEM option fees for grade seven and eight.
Families enrolling in STEM Learning will be responsible for transportation.
School Administrator Testimonial
"STEM learning at our schools builds and teaches creativity and problem-solving while promoting resourcefulness and perseverance.
STEM is more than science and mathematical concepts; it focuses on hands-on learning, real-world applications, and skills that prepare our students for 21st-century careers.
We see the engagement in students increasing in their curricular learning, and teachers are working alongside our STEM coaches to find new and exciting activities and opportunities. Some of these opportunities are experienced through field studies, such as APEGA's Science Olympics, University of Alberta virtual Choices Conference research through the National Bee Diagnostic Center, and outdoor experiences such as horticulture and orienteering." - Shelly Bracko, principal at Derek Taylor Public School
Student Testimonials
"I think our STEM class increases forward thinking and causes students to view thinking more three-dimensionally. I really like comparing our STEM projects and learning together and collaborating. This allowed us to see where we can improve and how we can advance our designs and learning." - Gabe, Grade 7, Derek Taylor Public School
"I love STEM because we get to do different types of experiments and see if they work or not. I also like that we get to work with friends. We get to learn together and not just one person at a time.
If we learn together, we get to find things out faster. Working alone it is slower." - Grace, Grade 5, Crystal Park School
"I love when we build towers. It's fun to see how high they can get. We are growing lettuce and I want to eat it." - Grade, Kindergarten, Hillside Community School
"I learned animals need casts to help them sometimes when we went (on a field experience) to Bandaged Paws. We made model planets and I made up my own planet. I love to build from my imagination." – Bryton, Grade 1, Hillside Community School
Parent Testimonials
"As a parent, I think STEM education is helping my child increase his learning by being hands-on. To actually see things happen (chemicals and how they react) instead of someone just telling them that is what happens, they get to see it and do the experiments themselves.I think it is easier to understand something if you see if happening in front of you instead of just reading about it in a book or someone telling you that is what happens." - Candace, a parent at Crystal Park School
"I would recommend the program 100% for children for the experience and the engagement in school it has brought my child. My child tells me he is moving and interacting constantly with his classmates. I think it's helping them think outside the box while having fun. It propels them into adult skills we will need as they grow." - Karen, a parent at Derek Taylor Public School
"STEM is really getting them ready for the future. The projects really help students to build skills to work together. I would recommend this program because STEM is another way to get them engaged in their learning; the hands-on activities are more engaging than just listening to a teacher." - Andree, a parent at Hillside Community School